Giving Tools

Resources to help plan your giving.

Tools for New Givers

Where do I start in my financial stewardship and giving? Below are some tools that may help you in figuring out how and where to begin.

Tool 1: Start small.

Calculate 1% of your income. Here’s how:

  1. Write down your annual household income. (For example, $50,000)
  2. Cross out the first two numbers from the right. ($50,0 - - ) OR take your income times 0.01.
  3. This would be your yearly gift of 1% of your income. Double it if you think you can start at 2%, triple if you can start at 3%, etc.
  4. Divide by 12 if you plan to give monthly, 24 if you plan to give twice a month, or 52 if you plan to give weekly.
  5. You have your amount! Set up automated giving here, or give at the time of offering in the worship service.

Tool 2: Test the waters.

Use the chart at the bottom of the page (or go here) to look at what various percentage giving would look like for your salary level. Choose a level and test the waters for a few months to see how it works in your budget. Adjust as needed.

Tool 3: Be bold!

Use the 10-10-80 rule. Plan 10% of your income for giving to church and other organizations that you support. Save 10% of your income. Live on the remaining 80%. How do you calculate 10%?

  1. Write down your annual household income. (For example, $50,000)
  2. Cross out the last number on the right, OR, take that amount times 0.10.
  3. This is 10% of your income!
  4. Set up automated savings and giving.
  5. Budget your remaining 80% to take care of needs and wants.

Tool 4: Overhaul your budget.

Maybe it’s hard to make a plan for giving because your financial life is overwhelming without thinking of one more thing. There’s help for that! Lutheran Social Services has a long history of helping people bring order to their financial life. Link here to connect to their services.

Tools for Current Givers

How can I grow in my stewardship?

If you have given a set amount for a few years, you may want to consider if you can grow your giving and increase your impact. Stewardship is simply deciding what you will do with what God has given you. If you want to increase, think about what a percentage change would look like. Or even a half percent. Small steps are steps! Take them at whatever size or pace works for you.

To see what a change would look like, find your current percentage on the chart below (or go here) and compare it to the next step up.

Proportional Giving Chart from the ELCA