Building Project Updates

Gather. Grow. Go!

Gather. Grow. Go!

WestSide is a place that has always been gathering, growing, and going! This mission statement has helped us share the Gospel, welcome our neighbors, and build faith together. Now, we are looking ahead to how this mission statement takes on physical form, with a potential building project.

Check back here for a history of these conversations, as well as updates on where WestSide is at in the process currently. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and dreams for the future of our church! If you have any questions, please reach out to Pastor Elisa at [email protected].


Fall 2022

WestSiders participated in a strategic planning conversation. This process identified two key needs for the congregation: more staff and more space.

Fall 2023

Growing Pains Campaign & Addition of Volunteer Coordinator Position

Over $24,000 was raised for the Growing Pains campaign, which resulted in projects to help alleviate pressure on physical space in the church. A storage shed was added, as well as other updates for efficiency and security.

Ashley Christianson was hired as the part-time Volunteer Coordinator. She does great work in recruiting and communicating with volunteers for WestSide’s many congregational events and service opportunities. This completed one of the two key needs made known in the 2022 strategic planning conversation.

January/February 2024

While the Growing Pains campaign was helpful in utilizing space, conversations continued about permanent building adjustments. A Building Project Committee was formed. WestSide’s Church Council also hired Koch Hazard Architects to help guide next steps.

March 24 & April 7, 2024

Congregational Input Sessions

During these sessions, over 50 participants met in small groups to discuss what they like about WestSide’s current space, and how they imagine it could be improved. Notes were taken during the discussion and reviewed further by the Building Project Committee.

Three areas of prioritization were then determined, as they received the most comments during the input sessions about opportunities for improvement and expansion:

  • Classroom/Education space
  • Fellowship Hall
  • Outdoor space

April 2024

The responses from the input sessions and areas of prioritization were given to Koch Hazard Architects for review and a recommended plan. 


We are eagerly awaiting the architects’ response, and will update you further when we know more!